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What We Believe

Welcome to St. Luke's! We're glad you're visiting with us. Our congregation is committed to helping people worship, proclaim the Gospel, and grow spiritually in our relationship with God in Christ.


  • At St. Luke's, we worship God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came into the world to reveal the self-giving love of God and, by his resurrection and triumph over sin and death, to gather all peoples to himself.

  • As the conduit of God's revelation to the world-- primarily in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ-- Scripture is at the heart of everything we at St. Luke's strive to be.

  • Our beliefs and practices are grounded in the rhythms and habits of passed down to us in the Book of Common Prayer. Our faith is informed by the deep well of Christian Tradition: the prayers, examples, and wisdom of holy women and men across time.

  • We are open to the continuing guidance of the Holy Spirit, who moves among us and invites us into deeper and more inclusive visions of the expansive love of God revealed through God's creation and action.


Our services at St. Luke’s follow a traditional, liturgical format. We follow a printed order of service found in the Book of Common Prayer that enables all of us to pray together in unison and to join with other Episcopalians in other places as they worship the Lord in the same way.


In the Episcopal tradition, Holy Communion, also known as Holy Eucharist, is our primary form of worship. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion in the Episcopal Church.


We come together in worship, ministry, formation, outreach, and fellowship because Jesus called us into community. We know this because Jesus called a group of disciples, and before he died he told them to go out and make other disciples in every land on earth.


As his disciples, we are called as Christians to a lifelong journey of spiritual formation, continually renewing and deepening our relationship with God, through worship, study, conversation, and prayer. Jesus also commanded us to love one another as we have been loved, so we know that to live a Christian life is to live a life in which we are in relationship with others as well as in a relationship with God.


This website is provided to introduce you to our parish family. We encourage you to join us for worship and fellowship. Someone from the church will be happy to respond to any questions you may have about our life together. We've also provided a list of Frequently Asked Questions we encourage you to explore.


On behalf of the St. Luke’s Family, I extend to you a very warm welcome.


Fr. Joel Huffstetler


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