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Mission for Ministry Campaign


Having the privilege of serving and worshipping at St. Luke’s immediately brings one phrase to mind: Holy Pause. Arriving on campus we collectively pause and direct our eyes toward the heavens. To be here, is to pause the noise of the world. To pause the clutter encroaching our minds. To pause the regret of yesterday and the pressing needs of the week ahead. This is why I love worship at St. Lukes: it gives me a place to pause and pray with others, tapping into the well that is the Book of Common Prayer, a well that never runs dry. We invite all who are weary, all who doubt, all who need a break, to come and "press pause," kneel with us around the altar, and receive water from the well of Word and Sacrament.

Napier 2025.png
Nathan Napier

September 20, 2024

Last fall, our Mission for Ministry program was a great success! The program packet outlined many of St. Luke’s ministries, and we are so grateful for the volunteers who wrote those paragraphs. They did an outstanding job of articulating these ministries and why they are important to them.​​


Our current ministries and programs are highlighted in this year’s packet. We are blessed to have a new group of volunteers who have written paragraphs in the areas of Worship, Formation, Music, Online Ministries, Children and Youth, College and Young Adults, Hospitality and Fellowship, Outreach, Pastoral Care, Clergy, Staff, & Vestry, and Buildings & Grounds. These are vital components of our vibrant Parish Life!  As you read this information, we ask you to consider their importance to St. Luke’s and to you personally.


At the 67th General Convention in 1982, the Episcopal Church adopted the tithe as the standard of giving for our churches. If your support of St. Luke’s is at this level, we thank you. We also thank you if you have not yet reached the goal of tithing but are working toward it. A “giving chart” is included in this packet to help guide you. As you consider your pledge for 2025, please remember that our parish can only offer our programs and ministries with your support.


These are exciting times in our parish! So, please prayerfully consider your pledge and be as supportive of our parish as you are able. Let us know if you have any questions. Let the church office know if you would like more information about or would like to be involved in any of our programs or ministries.


          Love and peace,

​          St. Luke’s Mission for Ministry Committee

                    Lou Patten, Chairman
                   Bryan Bowen

                    Christy Cannon
                   Jill Davis, Senior Warden

                    Jim Davis
                   Armen Epperson
                   Gary Farlow

                    Lisa Harper
                   Bill Littlejohn, Treasurer
                   Michelle Mazzolini
                   Lew Warren
                   Fr. Joel Huffstetler, Rector


How can I make my 2025 Pledge online?

Sign into Realm from our church website, or by going directly to Realm at If you need assistance logging into Realm, please contact the church office at (423) 476-5541.

  • ​Click Giving on the left menu.

  • Click +Pledge, enter your pledge information, and click either Save Pledge or Save & Setup Online Gift. PLEASE NOTE: If you did not make a pledge last year, please confirm from the drop down menu that you have 2024 Pledge fund selected.

  • To Setup an Online Gift: Enter the amount, select a gift frequency, and enter the appropriate information. Click Give.

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